We have open donations on Mondays and Fridays 10-2, and Bonus Saturdays. We are located at 2275 16th ave SW Cedar Rapids. If you are not able to donate during our open times please call for an appointment. 319-382-2882 To request a donation pick up please complete the pick up form on this site. March Bonus Saturdays are March 1st, and 29th 9-12
Your support and contributions allow us to continue to turn new places to live into homes. Without your donations, we could not fulfill our mission of providing furniture and household items at no cost to individuals and families who are transitioning out of homelessness.
4.1% of all landfill waste is due to furniture and household items.
Your donations have already saved hundreds of tons of furniture and household items from the landfill.
Central Furniture Rescue are active recyclers, working with city authorities and private organizations to divert as much waste from landfills as possible.
Trailers are used for picking up and delivering of furniture, saving landfill waste.
Trailers were provided with funding from the IOWA DNR and International Paper.