Susan Johnston
Susan JohnstonFounder & Executive Director
Susan Johnston is founder and executive director at Central Furniture Rescue. Leaning on her 25-plus years of experience in operations and project management, Susan took an idea, implemented it, and now is focused on scaling this program with the goal of helping as many individuals and families as possible turn “places to live” into homes.
Josh Putz
Josh PutzPresident
Josh Putz is a Senior Program Manager at Collins Aerospace. Leading and managing the development of avionics equipment to support helo platforms across our military. Cedar Rapids born with degrees from Mount Mercy University and the University of Iowa, Josh is excited to share what he has learned and utilize his program leadership skills to better serve the community he grew up in. He joined the board in 2021
Tyler Kuehl
Tyler KuehlDirector
Tyler Kuehl, with his extensive experience in both the banking industry and his dedicated role as treasurer on the board of Central Furniture Rescue, has made a significant impact on the community. Currently, he serves as the Retail Operations Specialist at Cedar Rapids Bank and Trust, where he leverages his expertise to contribute to the success of the bank. His dual roles exemplify his commitment to the community, as he actively supports the financial operations of Central Furniture Rescue. Tyler joined the board in 2020.
Stacie Wallingford
Stacie WallingfordTreasure
Stacie Wallingford is the Fair Lending Officer/Consumer Loan Underwriting Lead at Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust Company and has been with the company since 2014. She believes in the importance making an impact on our community and after doing a work leadership project with CFR, she discovered how important the mission of CFR is in our community and is excited to help contribute to that mission. In her free time, she enjoys camping, kayaking, family vacations and volunteering in various organizations with her husband and three grown daughters.
Jessica Baxter
Jessica BaxterDirector
Jessica is a Treasury Management Specialist with Ohnward Bank & Trust where she serves the banking needs of large and small business clients. Living in Cedar Rapids for over 20 years, she is committed to giving back to her local community through non-profit service. Jessica is passionate about helping break the cycles of abuse which can be difficult without a safe place to call home. She is excited to be a part of the mission of Central Furniture Rescue to help extend a hand up to those who need a fresh start.
Allison Snyder
Allison SnyderDirector
Allison Snyder is an Accounting Services Specialist at BGHN Associates, P.C., Certified Public Accountants. With her 15 years’ experience in the accounting field, she specializes in all accounting software help, majority being QuickBooks, bookkeeping, payroll support, and all other the things needed to run a business. She is active in her local Auxiliary and is a current member of the Downtown Cedar Rapids Rotary. Her husband and her also own a small business for pest control and canine bed bug detection. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her 4 children, husband, and parents, kayaking, hunting, and going to the movies.
Ashlee Toal
Ashlee ToalVice President
Ashlee Toal is a Senior Tax Accountant at the accounting firm BGHN Associates, PC., Certified Public Accountants. Her personal experiences have ignited a strong passion for supporting those facing challenges, making her an enthusiastic member of Central Furniture Rescue. Ashlee is not only committed to her role but also actively engaged in the community. She is eager to use her financial expertise to contribute to the organization’s mission through her active community engagement. Ashlee Joined the board in October 2023.